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Loans For You

Spitamen Bank offers a wide range of loan products. Choose the loan which in the best way conforms to your needs and requirements.

Our advantages:

  1. high-quality and fast service;
  2. simple and clear terms for loaning;
  3. transparent loan system;
  4. we have no commissions and no hidden payments;
  5. we have no penalties for early repayment of the loan;
  6. we work by the international principles of client protection.
Spitamen Bank offers the following types of loan:

We will answer to your questions

  • Terms of the loan offer


    Foreign currency - US dollar

    National currency - TJS

    Loan amount

    from 100 USD and above

    from 1,000 TJS and above


    Type of payment 


    Advance payment



    flexible collateral system*


    one or two guarantors required*

     * In order to receive a loan without prepayment, you must provide collateral, the cost of which covers 130% of the amount of the requested loan. If 110% of the collateral is provided, the advance payment will be considered 10%.

    * The number of guarantors and collateral depends on the amount of the requested amount.

    up to 30,000 TJS  without a guarantor.

    from 30,001 TJS to 50,000 TJS – witness.

    from 50,001 TJS to 70,000 TJS –1 guarantor.

    more than 70,000 TJS – collateral/pledge in the form of movable or immovable property.

  • Loan interest

    As part of the promotion, interest is valid until December 31, 2024

    When placing a request with TJS:

    The first loan

    Repeat loan    

     24% per annum *

    When placing a request in US dollars:

    The first loan

    Repeat loan    

     14% per annum *

    Loan interest rate for the amount from 1,000 to 299,000 – 24% per annum

    Loan interest rate for the amount from 300,000 to 499,000 – 22% per annum

    Loan interest rate for the amount from 500,000 and more – 20% per annum

    * Changes in foreign exchange rates may affect loan repayments

  • Required documents

    passport of a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan;

    taxpayer identification number (TIN);

    one of the documents confirming the source of income: - Salary certificate (for the last 6 months);

    - certificate of state registration of activity / Patent;

    Borrower requirements: - Citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan;

    - Age not less than 18 and not more than 65 years old;

  • Where can I see my loan payment schedule?
    The loan payment schedule can be understood from the bank's loan specialist, and can also be found in the Spitamen Pay application and your loan agreement.
  • What happens if I don't pay the loan on time?
    • In case of non-payment of the loan amount on time, the "Borrower" shall pay a penalty of 0.2% (zero and two percent) of the principal amount of the delayed payment for each day.
    • In case of non-payment, the loan will be recovered from the guarantors in accordance with the agreement
    • In case of non-payment of the loan, information about the loan will be transferred to the credit information bureau of Tajikistan
  • In what case does the bank take other property of the borrower as collateral?
    In the event of a decrease in the value of property offered as collateral, the Bank may require additional collateral, depending on the type of collateral, as follows:
    • Real estate - more than 30%
    • Movable property - more than 50%
    • Property (gold items) - 10%
  • What is a credit history?
    A credit history is a file on a borrower that indicates how many loan applications person has submitted and how many of them have been approved, which banks he has applied to, whether he is prone to delinquency in repayment of a debt, if he has ever acted as a guarantor or co-borrower and other information that may be important for banks.
    The credit history is replenished every time when borrower performs any actions in relation to the loan: sends an application to the bank, receives a refusal or approval, makes a monthly payment on time or delays payment, closes the debt ahead of schedule or at agreed time. Banks collect such information and send to credit bureaus, which keep records of each borrower for at least ten years.
  • Is there a fee in case of early repayment of the loan?
    In case of early full repayment of the loan, no additional payment for unused months is charged. Only the principal amount is paid.
  • What types of loan can I receive?

    You can obtain consumer loans and the loan for business development.

    The bank offers the following credits for the personal purposes:

    For business development you can receive:

  • Where to address for receiving the credit?

    For receiving the loan, registration or any other banking service, address to one of our branches. Also you can callto Call center of Bank and make an appointment with the credit expert or to leave the application, and will surely call back to you.

  • What documents can be necessary for the guarantor?

    ЕIf the guarantor is aindividual person, the following documents can be required by him:

    • passport of the guarantor;
    • passport of the spouse/spouse of the guarantor;
    • marriage certficate;
    • statement for consent to providing the guarantee of the spouse/spouse of the guarantor;
    • the reference and the monthly salary for the last six months, or other documents confirming existence of additional income.

    For obtaining full information, address in any of our branches or CBS.

  • What documents can be necessary for receiving the loan?

    For each type of loan there is the list of documents which need to be provided to the credit specialist for obtaining the required sum.

    The following documents are necessary for receiving consumer loans, a mortgage or a car loan:

    • Copy of the passport and client's INN.
    • The copy of the passport of the spouse of the client (if the client is married).
    • The document of the client confirming a source of income: Certificate of the salary or Patent/certificate.

    Following  documents  will be necessary for the credits for development of business:

    • Copy of the passport and client's INN.
    • The copy of the passport of the spouse of the client (if the client is married).
    • Certificate of registration of activity.

    For receiving Agroloan, individuals  and Dehkan / to farms will need the following documents:

    • Copy of the passport and client's INN.
    • The copy of the passport of the spouse of the client (if the client is married).
    • Land certificate / certificate, or copy of the lease contract of the land plot.

    For obtaining full information, address to our branches and CBS.

  • What documents can be necessary for pledge registration?

    For pledge registration, the following documents can be required:

    • the passport of the depositor and his spouse / spouse if the depositor is the third party;
    • the marriage certficate of the depositor if the depositor is the third party;
    • the statement for consent to providing pledge from the depositor's spouse/spouse;
    • the reference from tax authorities of absence of debt;
    • the documents defining legal status of the real estate offered as pledge;
    • technical data sheet of motor transport offered as pledge;
    • documents on the personal estate offered as pledge.

    For obtaining full information, address in any of our branches or CBS.

  • Mortgage from partners
    Special Mortgage Mortgage from Spitamen Bank in partnership with CC Nasimi Asadullo

    Spitamen Bank and CC Nasimi Asadullo offer special conditions for the purchase of housing  at 12% per annum, in the elite new buildings of the company Nasimi Asadullo (Bokhtar city, Rakhimov st). 


      Loan amount   from 1 000 tо 300 000 USD
      Interest rate     12% p.a.
      Maturity   from 3 tо 120 months
      Collateral   property to be purchased    
      Client's own funds   min. 30% of the price of purchased real estate
      To whom   private individuals, citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan   
      Guarantor   not required 

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank in partnership with CC OJSC “Global Group”

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank in partnership with CC OJSC “Global Group”  (http://globalgroup.tj/) – an opportunity to purchase an apartment in the 17-floor residential complex that is under construction. 

    Conditions for obtaining the mortgage loan:

    Loan amount from 1 000 tо 300 000 USD
    Interest rate    12% p.a.
    Maturity from 3 tо 120 months
    Collateral property to be purchased
    Client’s own funds min 30% of the property price
    To whom private individuals, citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan
    Guarantor not required

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank in partnership with IC “Muqim-1”

    Buying your own home with a mortgage in recent years has become one of the most popular ways to solve the housing problem. Do not put off until later the realization of the dream of your own apartment in a new building!

    Spitamen Bank does everything to make it convenient and affordable to issue a mortgage and, in partnership with another developer-SK "Muqim-1" (Dushanbe city, Sohili st), offers its clients favorable conditions for mortgage loans for the purchase of apartments in two modern residential complexes of elite class.

    A mortgage from Spitamen Bank for the purchase of apartments under construction in residential complexes from IC "Muqim-1" is provided under the following conditions: 

    Amount from 1000 to 300,000 US dollars
    The interest rate 12% p.a
    The loan term  from 3 to 120 months
    Collateral security Available real estate, jewelry
    Availability of own funds min. 30% of the value of the purchased property
    To whom individuals, citizens of the RT
    Surety not required

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank in partnership with "Sebiston-2018" СC (Construction Company)

    In recent years, buying your own home with a mortgage has become one of the most popular ways to solve housing problem. Do not put off until later to realize dreams of your own flat in a new building!

    Spitamen Bank is doing its best to make it convenient and affordable to apply for a mortgage, in partnership with another developer “Sebiston-2018” CC, offers customers favorable conditions for mortgage loans to purchase flats in two modern residential complexes of an elite class.

    A mortgage from Spitamen Bank to purchase flats under construction in residential complexes from "Sebiston-2018" CC is provided on the following conditions:

    Amount from 1000 to 300,000 US dollars
    The interest rate 12% p.a
    The loan term  from 3 to 120 months
    Collateral security Available real estate or jewelry
    Availability of own funds min. 30% of the value of the purchased property
    To whom individuals, citizens of the RT
    Surety not required

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank and construction company "PULODI PLAZA"

    CJSC "Spitamen Bank" increased number of partners - developers and signed another cooperation agreement with the developer PULODI PLAZA.

    According to the agreement, “Spitamen Bank” and “PULODI PLAZA” offer special conditions to purchase a flat in the capital city of Tajikistan in elite new buildings of the company.

    Amount from 1000 to 300,000 US dollars
    The interest rate 12% p.a
    The loan term  from 3 to 120 months
    Collateral security Available real estate or jewerly
    Availability of own funds min. 30% of the value of the purchased property
    To whom individuals, citizens of the RT
    Surety not required

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank and LLC "Usto Nabot"

    Today Spitamen Bank introduces another partner –“Usto Nabot” Construction company. Spitamen Bank and "Usto Nabot" offer special conditions to purchase a flat in Hissor city in elite new buildings of the company.

    Amountfrom 1000 to 300,000 US dollarsThe interest rate12% p.aThe loan term from 3 to 120 monthsCollateral securityAvailable real estate, jewelry, or a deposit in Spitamen BankAvailability of own fundsmin. 30% of the value of the purchased propertyTo whomindividuals, citizens of the RTSuretynot required

    Amount from 1000 to 300,000 US dollars
    The interest rate 12% p.a
    The loan term  from 3 to 120 months
    Collateral security Available real estateor jewelry
    Availability of own funds min. 30% of the value of the purchased property
    To whom individuals, citizens of the RT
    Surety not required

    Mortgage from Spitamen Bank and "Bakht 2005" company

    Consider customers interest in mortgage loan, Spitamen Bank seeks to cooperate with leading developers and announces a new partner in mortgage lending - LLC “Bakht 2005” Construction Company. Spitamen Bank and Bakht 2005 offer special conditions to purchase a house in the capital city of Tajikistan in elite new buildings of the company.

    Amount from 1000 to 300,000 US dollars
    The interest rate 12% p.a
    The loan term  from 3 to 120 months
    Collateral security Available real estate, jewelry
    Availability of own funds min. 30% of the value of the purchased property
    To whom individuals, citizens of the RT
    Surety not required