Офисы и банкоматы
Personal Banking
Corporate Banking
Financial Institutions
About Bank

Many parents since the birth of the child think about its future, realizing that in the future, first of all, to get a decent education, you may need large funds. Therefore, parents are trying to start to lay the financial foundation as soon as possible.

Having opened a deposit with us, you will not only be assured of a guaranteed accumulation of money, but you will also know that your child's finances are kept in one of the most stable and developing banks in the country - in the Spitamen Bank.

Deposit term:

Currency Minimum Deposit  Up to 6 months From 6 to 12 months From 12 tо 24 months From 24 tо 36 months
 TJS  100 0% 1%  2%  3% 
 USD  20 0,50% 

Deposit calculator

Interest on the deposit is paid after deduction of income tax in the amount of 12% of the total accrued interest.

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