Офисы и банкоматы
Personal Banking
Corporate Banking
Financial Institutions
About Bank

The Spitamen Bank Closed Joint Stock Company has begun the activity in 2008, as the Spitamen Capital Microcredit Deposit Institution (MDI). For the short term of MDO it  has deserved reputation of the reliable financial partner, and, thanks to harmonious work of team and steady development, in 2014 Spitamen Capital has obtained the license NBT for bank activity.

Long-term experience of employees, sustainable development, confidence in the forces and customer care have made Bank one of the successful financial organizations to which they trust.

The secret of success of Bank is simple, it consists in creation of long-term, partner and mutually beneficial relations with clients.

Oracle.jpgSince the very first days the Bank has been striving to introduce new information technologies, in order to improve the quality of customer service. So in early 2015, Spitamen Bank connected the automated banking system Oracle FlexCube, which is considered one of the most reliable systems in the world. Oracle FlexCube has allowed the Bank to greatly reduce the time of service and improve its quality, to implement or modify products faster according to customer expectations, and to provide a single production environment for corporate, retail, investment banking through a flexible and scalable modular architecture.

Today the Bank has 18 branches and 46 BSC through the whole country. The number of employees of bank is more than 900 experts. The products and services offered by bank conform to the international standards. One of main objectives of bank is introduction of new technologies and innovative products that it was easy and convenient to all clients of bank to use banking services in all spheres of life.


For quality and professionalism, in May, 2013, the selection committee of Business Initiative Directions has awarded CJSC MDO Spitamen Capital with the International Award  -  International Arch of Europe (the Arch of Europe) in category "Gold" for quality of work and professionalism.

The prestigious international award - "The Arch of Europe" is handed since 1986. The award is founded by the B.I.D. group (Business Initiative Directiones) - the leader in the field of communications, one of four authoritative international independent organizations conducting monitoring of quality of work of the national, continental and intercontinental companies.


In December, 2013 has been conferred by CJSC MDO Spitamen Capital the national award "Brand of Year 2013 — the Peak of Glory" in the nomination "Microfinancial Institution".

The republican competition "Brand of Year" under the name "Peak of Glory" has been held by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, together with partners, at the request of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Propaganda and promotion in the field of legal protection of trademarks in the Republic of Tajikistan, definition of the model companies which steadily operate the brands and stimulation of the companies for active development of branding were a main objective of a competition.

For participation in this competition applications were submitted by 53 companies, from them, after consideration of the filed documents, according to rules of a competition, 44 companies have been selected.



In the “Brand of the Year-2019” award held at the concert hall Surush Hall in December 18, 2019, Spitamen Bank received the highest award in “The Best Bank” nomination.

The direct organizer and executor of the competition was subordinate to the ministry public institution the National Patent Information Center (Patent Office).

The event was attended by representatives of ministries and agencies of the republic, international organizations, as well as representatives of the private sector. Grand ceremony was opened by the welcome speech the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Nematullo Hikmatullozoda. In particular, he noted that brand promotion will allow enterprises and organizations to develop by increasing the competitiveness of their products, thereby contributing to the economic growth and development of the country.

The competition started on September 25, 2019. This year, 92 brands, including Spitamen Bank, applied for participation in the competition in various nominations.


In January 2020, the International rating agency MicroFinanza Rating (MFR) assigned Spitamen Bank the rating of BBB -* with a stable forecast. The rating of this category opens up new opportunities for the Bank in financial markets.

Evaluation of this category testifies stability, reliability and sustainable financial position of Spitamen Bank. The rating was based on the stable financial position of Spitamen Bank and the high quality of its loan portfolio.